Hiram Romano

Photo Albums



  • It's Hiram Romano's birthday!
    Hiram Romano
    Hiram Romano
    Birthday: 17 Jul
  • Hiram Romano
    Hiram Romano uploaded 1 new photo to Interpreting Agencies album
    Utilising Chinese document translation services can help you fully realise the potential of multilingual correspondence. By ensuring that your documents are translated accurately and with consideration for cultural differences, a specialised translation company helps you to bridge the language gap. https://www.rosettatranslation.com/interpreting-services/Utilising Chinese document translation services can help you fully realise the potential of multilingual correspondence. By ensuring that your documents are translated accurately and with consideration for cultural differences, a specialised translation company helps you to bridge the language gap. ...See more
  • Hiram Romano
    Hiram Romano joined our site!